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Workplace as Hub™: Formcraft’s Blueprint for Today’s Agile Office Spaces

...Almost certainly. It just looks and functions differently than the one you’re probably in right now.   Workplace as Hub™ The terms “agile workplace” and “agile office” describe environments that...

Beyond Layouts: How Design-Build Champions a Holistic Agile Workplace

When thinking of your business’s workplace, is its purpose clear? Does the design of the workplace support that purpose? How effectively is technology integrated? Is it turnkey? As businesses embrace...

5 Philadelphia Office Design Ideas to Promote a Collaborative Work Culture You need a large table with plenty of seating for coworkers to sit together and hash out ideas. Should multiple projects be going on at the same time, there...

The Evolution of the Hybrid Workplace

...your employees to use the hybrid workplace. Defining Your Vision As you evolve your workplace into the hybrid model, figure out what the purpose of your office will be for...

Return To Work Strategies: Technologies That Transform Your Workplace Into a “Healthy Building”

A “healthy building” is a workplace environment that prioritizes employees’ physical and mental health. As we head back into our shared workspaces, it’s important to note what return-to-work strategies your...

Workplace as Hub™


Four Considerations to Reposition Your Workplace Environment prefer individual or group-based training? Workplace design trend: Training spaces that support the individual. Did you know? Workplace design is moving away from formal classroom and auditorium configurations focusing...

The Best Acoustics for Productive Workplace Environments

...Workplaces Ask yourself some ways to ensure privacy and appropriate noise level in your future space. Not sure where to start? Formcraft can help identify acoustic needs in our three...

Three Ways Companies are “Going Green” in the Workplace

...Philadelphia-based design and construction firm that specializes in workplaces. To see examples of Formcraft’s work, contact the team today to find out how your workplace can ‘go green,’ click here!...

5 Ways Businesses are Scooping Up Millennial and Gen Z Talent

...your workplace, consider if assigned seating is really the best tool for your team. Millennials and Gen Z prefer to move around the workplace, so hot desking and mobile workstations...

Formcraft Welcomes Lauren Walker as Director of Workplace Strategy & Design

...ambition,” says Lauren. As Formcraft’s Director of Workplace Strategy & Design, Lauren will be responsible for engaging clients to develop a thoughtful approach to their workplace, one that aligns with...

3 Things Your Office Strategy Data Is Trying to Tell You

...and operating constraints; second, employee turnover; third, differentiating between quality work and mission-orientated work. Measuring Workplace Efficiency and Identifying Operating Constraints First, improving workplace efficiency is about helping employees work...